A Farewell to Fieldwork

A Farewell to Fieldwork

    By James Tricker, July 12th, 2024 With MLP fieldwork underway in the mountains this summer, one long-time crew member is (very reluctantly) sitting this season out to instead focus on writing up his dissertation (one last mountain, James). Here, he...

Welcome to New Blog

The Mountain Legacy Project began its blog adventures in 2010 as a way to document and share our work. The old blog site—and indeed the structure of mountainlegacy.ca—moved to a University of Victoria-hosted WordPress platform earlier this year. This shifted how the...
“Mountain Legacies”: The Podcast

“Mountain Legacies”: The Podcast

Mt Robson and the Robson Glacier, A.O. Wheeler, 1911 Here at MLP, we’re always excited to talk about mountains. We were recently lucky enough to work with Mendel Skulski and Adam Huggins at Futures Ecologies, who turned our learnings in and about mountains into a new...
A Day in the Field: Going up Mt Alderson

A Day in the Field: Going up Mt Alderson

The Mountain Legacy Project (MLP) now boasts over 10,000 repeat photographs collected over close to three decades. Our repeat photography involves intense fieldwork across Canada’s mountain landscapes. In the following series of blog posts, we turn our focus...