Back in the mountains again!

The Mountain Legacy Project is back in the field for 2016. We are working on a variety of priority repeat photographs along the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies. The core field team comprises Rick Arthur, our liaison with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, and Sandra Frey...

Season’s end

Well, we’re back in Victoria–a thousand kilometres and a serious road trip away.  The team has spent all day, every day of this past week in the MLP lab entering the hard drives upon hard drives of data we’ve collected (100 stations in all!) into our...

A week in the Willmore

What a great week! Tomorrow we are leaving the Entrance fire camp, where we arrived one week ago to begin working on repeating our Miller 1928 survey in the amazing Willmore Wilderness Park. The week got off to a fun start with a road trip fro the Elbow Camp to...