New Natures

New Natures

NEW NATURES PROJECT Introduction What constitutes responsible intervention in landscapes undergoing rapid change? Rapid and discontinuous change in ecosystems is raising complex questions for environmental scholars and managers worldwide. In diverse regions of the...
In his Footsteps: Repeating a Classic J.J. McArthur Station

In his Footsteps: Repeating a Classic J.J. McArthur Station

In his Footsteps Repeating a Classic J.J. McArthur Station above Lake O'Hara, Yoho National Park ; ; Born in Aylmer QC in 1856, J.J. McArthur is credited with being the first mountaineer in Canada to climb a peak over 10,000ft. (Mt. Stephen, above Field, BC —...
Focus on Ice and Snow

Focus on Ice and Snow

Focus on Ice and SnowPerhaps some of the most noticeable change in the Canadian mountain west can be found in ice and snow — especially on some of the impressively large glaciers, ice fields, and snow fields that grace Canada’s heights. This gallery presents...