Placing oblique photos on the map

Placing oblique photos on the map

By Julie Fortin and Michael Whitney   [This post also appears on the Landscapes in Motion blog]   The Mountain Legacy Project often uses the term “oblique photo” to describe the images we deal with, but what exactly does “oblique...
Thinking about Thinking Mountains 2018

Thinking about Thinking Mountains 2018

  Just last month Mountain Legacy team members gathered in Banff with over 150 other mountain researchers for Thinking Mountains 2018 (TM2018). This deeply interdisciplinary summit – the third in a series of conferences started in 2012 – was a standout. Topics...
Field Notes: Stepping off the beaten path

Field Notes: Stepping off the beaten path

By Sonia Voicescu and Karson Sudlow   [This blog post also appears on the Landscapes in Motion website.]   The Repeat Photography Field Crew has been hard at work scaling mountains to capture repeat photographs of images taken a century ago. They’ve checked...