Placing oblique photos on the map

Placing oblique photos on the map

By Julie Fortin and Michael Whitney   [This post also appears on the Landscapes in Motion blog]   The Mountain Legacy Project often uses the term “oblique photo” to describe the images we deal with, but what exactly does “oblique...
Field Notes: Stepping off the beaten path

Field Notes: Stepping off the beaten path

By Sonia Voicescu and Karson Sudlow   [This blog post also appears on the Landscapes in Motion website.]   The Repeat Photography Field Crew has been hard at work scaling mountains to capture repeat photographs of images taken a century ago. They’ve checked...
Meet the Summer 2018 Field Crew!

Meet the Summer 2018 Field Crew!

[This blog post was written by Sonya Odsen, from the Outreach and Engagement Team of Landscapes in Motion. This post is a slightly modified version of the one that appears on the Landscapes in Motion website.]   July already?! You know what that means! The...
What’s up with the piles of rocks on mountaintops?

What’s up with the piles of rocks on mountaintops?

The significance of cairns for the Mountain Legacy Project’s field work [This blog post also appears on the Landscapes in Motion website.]   As the Mountain Legacy Project team prepares to head out into the field, they are training new field staff how to...
Everything seen from the top of a mountain

Everything seen from the top of a mountain

Editor’s Note, April 25th, 2018: Alex Hakonson has an update to this article – he has located the stations where William Ogilvie stood when he took the images detailed in this post. Alex has created an image taken from Google Earth with the photo plate...