Jul 28, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Finally, I’ve been able to catch some internet waves. The story starts like this… It was a dark and stormy morning. We were already tired after a 4 hour buggy walk off of Redstreak mountain the day before. Knees were blown. Packs were heavy, 90 pounds...
Jul 26, 2010 | Posts from the past
Just back from Mt. Assiniboine, the most magical trip ever. Photos and details to come when we get back to Banff. For now, a few more days of work in Radium until we rest. We are glad to be lying in the sun waiting for our ride. Will Posted with WordPress for...
Jul 21, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Stuart, Ryan, Allie and I just got a lift up Redstreak Mountain from Radium on a gorgeous morning. Stuart and I got sent to a far of ridge, and have to wait for a while because the sun is currently going right into the lens. Once we are finished here, a long treed and...
Jul 19, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Day. (Apparently this is Mt. Cory) Ryan and I left the house this morning with the sun above us and high hopes. But then the thundershowers came. We went for a really nice walk through Cory pass, and now we have tired legs and no pictures. Ryan was pretending to be...
Jul 17, 2010 | Posts from the past
By now you’ve probably read about the challenges we face when water RISES over time….dam building sure makes accurate location locating elusive…but water can confound us in just the reverse…when glaciers melt and historic sites vanish into air...