Jul 3, 2018 | MLP News, Notes from the Field
[This blog post was written by Sonya Odsen, from the Outreach and Engagement Team of Landscapes in Motion. This post is a slightly modified version of the one that appears on the Landscapes in Motion website.] July already?! You know what that means! The...
May 28, 2018 | Historic photos, MLP News, Notes from the Field
The back story: Mountain Legacy Project director, Eric Higgs, finds himself involved in repeat photography project in Amsterdam, about as far physically and psychologically from the mountains of western Canada as one can get. He is spending the year working on his...
Apr 12, 2018 | Historic photos, MLP News
Editor’s Note, April 25th, 2018: Alex Hakonson has an update to this article – he has located the stations where William Ogilvie stood when he took the images detailed in this post. Alex has created an image taken from Google Earth with the photo plate...
Feb 8, 2018 | MLP News, Notes from the Field
The summer of 2017 saw MLP teams out in the field gathering lots of repeat photographs, but it also featured something of a first — from August 6 – 12 an MLP team attended the Alpine Club of Canada’s General Mountaineering Camp. In an alpine setting...