Spring Ski, originally uploaded by snapshotwill.
We were excited to go back outside today after two days of rain. Our expectations were high to get a bunch of stations done since we scored a key and permit for our truck for a bunch of restricted roads. After several hours of mud bogs, washouts, active mining and logging, we finally moved to our 5th backup plan of the day.
The station we chose involved some serious muddy 4x4ing, some friendly loggers, and a serious uphill bushwack. The station was frustratingly difficult to locate, it started snowing, and the camera refused to work.
We found a nice big snow patch and did some nice spring boot skiing to lighten the mood. The sun finally came out, and everything was fabulous, the camera suddenly worked, and we found the spot.
Rosina and I enjoy your news but concerned about Stuarts score of TICKS. They are no laughing matter. Touch with lighted cigarette to make them drop off or dab of spirit but DO NOT pull off. Can spread Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever and prolonged bites/tick saliva can cause tick paralysis which can affect human nervous systm. Suggest you ask Doc if there is a prohylactic against tick bites. All the best. UK Grampee