This year’s crew sees Jenna Falk, Heike Lettrari, and Mary Sanseverino in the field!

Left to Right: Mary Sanseverino, Heike Lettrari, and Jenna Falk. This taken in the Sooke Hills, near Victoria BC, prior to take-off.
Jenna Falk is a Master’s student in Environmental Studies and the crew leader for this year. Growing up in Kitchener, Ontario, she’s traded maple syrup for ocean air and mountains. Jenna likes ballet and painting, and would enlist a (plucky but endearing!) team of pack ponies for Willmore travel at the drop of a hat, but is equally content with seeing the team’s brightly coloured rain gear punctuating the landscape on hikes (stay tuned for adventures in the “banana suit”).
Born and raised a Kootenay kid, Heike Lettrari is happiest surrounded in lush mountains, with quiet spaces, and places to ponder the world. She completed her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria, and will return there for a master’s degree in September. Among her greatest passions are all things leaved, green, and breathing, and peering into a great panoply of books, and she doesn’t mind a hike in rain.
Mary Sanseverino: geographer by training, computer scientist by vocation, mountain landscape photographer by avocation. I spend as much time in the mountains as possible. Aldo Leopold, an American conservationist of the early 20th century sums up my philosophy when he urges us to “Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient. A thing is right when it tends to perserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” I think Aldo would very much approve of the Mountain Legacy Project!
We’ll be sending more posts and updating this blog with amazing photos as we take on our adventures! Keep an eye on our “Notes From the Field”!