With the fire hazard being so high in BC right now (hope we get some wet weather!) most of the Alberta firefighters were sent to  BC, and the fire bases here are closed.  Apparently the nice people at Alberta Sustainable Resource Development like us, because we got:

Our own fire base!

We got the keys to the (very rustic) Red Deer River fire base.

I was so excited I climbed up on the roof to sing songs and celebrate.

(thanks Ryan for taking the picture.)

It was smoky here two days ago(from fires in BC) but has been clear since.

The stations we have been working on are in the foothills, and there are a LOT more trees than there were in 1917.  A LOT more.

Here’s me trying to line up a station.

And here is the repeat of what was previously a nice landscape shot.

We couldn’t see very much.

Except the Cairn that M.P. Bridgland built in 1917

These stations will have to wait until we have a helicopter to do some hover shots above the trees.  For now, back to climbing mountains! The views are better there.

Today though, I have to sit in the SRD office and scan old fashionedy books while the others go play.  Lucky me
