No Pity Ever.

So… We had to spend a lot of time doing and redoing computer work, and it was raining and snowing and cold and windy.  But then things got a little bit magical for a while. We had some sun, and so we decided to make ourselves happier by doing a station on the...

Photographing the 4th Dimension

Photographing the 4th Dimension Hello out there blog-readers…I’m amazed that it has taken me three weeks since joining the ranks of the MLP Crew to find a spare moment to sit down to write a blog post!  There has been SO MUCH to learn: camera protocol...


The nicest wildflower meadow we’ve seen so far is beside the highway near a garbage dump. We’ve finally been able to go outside, and our first field day last week was a boat trip. Stuart and I have been away for a few days, and the girls have been...

Top of Cliff to Kitchen Floor

For most people, Banff is a chance to experience the Rockies, enjoy the great outdoors, and commune with nature.  For us, it’s a hustling bustling big city. After a great visit from Eric Higgs and Rob Watt, we had to get back to our computer work before we can...


Our station is on the edge of a scree cliff above a 1500ft drop. Oh joy. It’s our last day at the ranch today, and we’re off to go live in Banff for a month. Happy Canada day. Where is my helicopter? I want to lie...