
Send, originally uploaded by snapshotwill. We finally took our first day off yesterday and went climbing at the Frank Slide. We had big plans for this week but were punished for having fun by torrential rain. No more fun allowed from now...

Tick Tally

We are under siege by ticks.  Today Stuart had 4, I had a measly 1.  We have now had 9 between us in less than a week.   Stuart just went outside with medical scissors to cut off all his hair. Also, apparently ticks are arachnids.  Who knew? UPDATE:  As of 10:09, July...

Off Roadin’

It is hard to tell from the picture, but Stuart was REALLY happy while driving today. We’ve been working in the Crowsnest pass, right on the divide.  Getting up to the border markers involves a lot of navigating back roads, bushwacking, and playing 4×4. The...

Shelter from the storm

Stuart and I are holed up in our emergency shelter waiting out the rain. As soon as it clears we can get back to work! We are right on the border and have a great view of Crowsnest Pass. What a first...

The Road

Check out the Flickr group for pictures from our trip so far. We are currently living in Coleman, AB (Crowsnest Pass) [googlemaps...