Jun 18, 2010 | Posts from the past
Stuart and I have been hiding from the rain at the Fire Centre in Calgary. We spend our days scanning images from the North Saskatchewan River. We have 3 scanners running, and we would have more but as you can see our office is minute. Off to Crowsnest tonight,...
Jun 17, 2010 | Posts from the past
From Environment Canada: “Rainfall warning for Crowsnest Pass – Pincher Creek – Waterton Lakes Nat. Park continued Upwards of 100 millimetres of rain is expected by Friday.” Hopefully Saturday will be nice, and then we won’t have to sit...
Jun 13, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Sunny Days, originally uploaded by snapshotwill. Spent the afternoon on the sunny Ranchlands of the Cowboy Trail in Southern Alberta. A nice relaxing day after our vigorous scramble yesterday. I’m off to Victoria for a few days, Stuart is hanging out in Calgary,...
Jun 12, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Rockin, originally uploaded by snapshotwill. We finally got to go up a real mountain today, and we are soooo happy. Very sunburnt, but happy. We summited Phillips Peak in the Crowsnest pass and took lots of pictures of each other (check the flickr group on the right.)...
Jun 11, 2010 | Notes from the Field
Spring Ski, originally uploaded by snapshotwill. We were excited to go back outside today after two days of rain. Our expectations were high to get a bunch of stations done since we scored a key and permit for our truck for a bunch of restricted roads. After several...