Aug 10, 2009 | Notes from the Field
After a smoke filled week, we’ve wrapped things up here in Kootenay National Park. We got about 15 stations done, despite rain and smoke, and are now moving back to Alberta in hopes that the haze might be a bit better further from all the burning fires in BC....
Aug 6, 2009 | Notes from the Field
This blog entry is a bit of a back-track (as most of my entries seem to be). We did this hike back on July 30, back when we were stationed out of Kananaskis valley. As you may have already read, out first attempt at the summit of Mount Lady MacDonald was not a raging...
Aug 4, 2009 | Notes from the Field
Just a quick update for you all while I’ve got a little internet time. Being the vagabond of a team that we are, we have recently relocated ourselves from the Kananaskis valley, to Kootenay Naitonal Park. This new location is beautiful, however it is close to...